Yesterday evening The Burns Archive was pleased to celebrate the anniversary Bellevue Literary Press's Pulitzer Prize winning title Tinkers. There were dramatic readings by actors Louis Cancelmi, Kathleen Butler and Bob Jaffe. The books read were Tinkers by Paul Harding, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Widow by Michelle Latiolais and The Sojourn by Andrew Krivak.
(The Burns Archive contributed the WWI photo upon which The Sojourn's cover was based.) |
Bellevue Literary Press raises important issues that affect us all regarding illness, the human experience in the practice of medicine, and science policy, promotes science literacy in unaccustomed ways, and contributes to society new tools for thinking about our world.
Dr. Burns was happy to hear author Paul Harding mention that he was very interested in some postmortem photography books he had been eyeing in a local rare book shop for years. To Harding's surprise Dr. Burns explained that he was the creator of those books and that they are The Burns Archive's Sleeping Beauty Series. They were both happy to trade works.